Do you ever have trouble coming up with something to make for dinner? Are you running short on time, but still want something healthy and fresh. POOF! Here’s an idea, and you can customize it how you like…
Boneless/skinless chicken, coat in olive oil and toss it on the grill… yum!
Skewers with sliced (thick) zucchini, mushrooms, and sweet onion. Brushed with olive oil, tiny bit of sea salt and pepper, set on the grill (upper rack).
Corn on the cob (I heat a large pan with about 1/2″ of water, once it comes to a boil, put the corn in, and COVER, cook only a few minutes and it’ll be done)!
Slice a tomato and some fresh basil, drizzle with a wee bit of olive oil, salt and pepper.
To switch things up you could use BBQ Sauce on the chicken (homemade is so much tastier), or Tzatziki sauce, or a nice pineapple/mango salsa? Switch up the veggies, add some fresh mozzarella to the tomato and make it a caprese salad. Oh, the possibilities with a simple dinner!
Catch you back here tomorrow!